Online-Voting Friday 13th

Against unacceptable working conditions in delivery services | auf deutsch

#Freitag13 day of action Aktionstag delivery Lieferdienste am 13.8.2021
The aim of the #Friday13 day of action is to exert pressure through creative protest and public relations work. For labor rights, democracy & workers‘ participation!

On Friday, August 13, 2021, we take action against two delivery services in the platform economy:

 Gorillas  & Lieferando / Just eat

The online supermarket delivery service Gorillas has won the vote for the day of action #FRIDAY13 on August 13, 2021 very narrowly ahead of the online food courier Lieferando / Just Eat.

Because the result was closer than ever before, Action vs. Labor injustice (aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht) has decided to take action against both bike delivery services.

We hope that besides the riders of Gorillas & Lieferando also couriers of Wolt, Flink,, Domono’s and many other bike delivery services will join in!

 Action vs. Labor injustice wants to encourage all delivery workers to support each other in solidarity!


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Stay up to date! Join the day of action on August, #Friday13th 2021

Participate in events or protests! We network via email lists and social media like Telegram & Signal.