#Friday13 vs. Gorillas + Lieferando. What’s up? What’s it about?


August 13, 2021: Day of action for labor rights + democracy.

Protests against horror jobs and union busting at bike delivery services. Auf deutsch

Your city is still missing? Action overview:

Plakat #Freitag13 Day of action Gorillas + LieferandoWhat’s it about?

By publicly criticizing the working conditions and labor relations of the bike delivery services Lieferando & Gorillas by attacking their image, we can contribute to improving the working conditions of the entire industry!

After all, Lieferando / Just Eat is the biggest player in the platform-driven delivery industry. Gorillas is probably the most aggressive player right now. If they shipwreck, their fate will spill over to their competitors.
We are demanding from Gorillas & Lieferando / Just Eat:

  • Occupational Health & Safety.
  • Stop Union Busting: Establish + protect works councils!
  • Put an end to fact-free fixed-term contracts & chain fixed-term contracts!
  • Six months probationary period is too long!
  • Equipment and repairs are not a private matter.
  • Transparent accounting, no stealing of tips and other trickery!
  • No total surveillance, inhumane ranking & systematic data theft!

Riders unite! On the streets!

The action against labor injustice wants to encourage all delivery workers to support each other in solidarity! This is in your own interest:

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  • There is a high turnover among the employees of the various delivery services. This means that if you get kicked out of one, you can try the next.
  • The business models of all online delivery services are very similar; their managements learn from each other!

We support independent organizing of drivers, industrial action and active works councils.
Critical citizens + consumers asked: labor rights are human rights.

Tolerable, safe working conditions and democracy in the company are not the sole responsibility of the employees. They are fundamental rights and goals of society as a whole.

We therefore hope for the participation of acquaintances, neighbors and relatives of the workers as well as trade unionists and works councils from other sectors, social activists and critical consumers!

#Friday13th — what is it about?

Friday the 13th is a nationwide day of action against horror jobs, exploitation and lawyers of terror. It is directed against companies that engage in union busting in an outstanding manner or violate labor rights, freedom of association and co-determination in companies.

#FREITAG13 will take place for the eleventh time on August 13, 2021. The aim is to support employees, trade unionists and works councils and to defend their rights.

The action against labor injustice works closely with employees, works councils, trade unions, local solidarity committees and initiatives critical of corporations in the preparation and implementation. It sees itself as a coordinator and initiator. The local actions are self-organized and self-directed.

The methods used are peaceful. They range from education through rallies and flyers to image correction, consumer strike and public protest to adbusting, store dropping and other forms of creative subversion and civil disobedience.

Astonishing effect: image damage, business closures & share price collapses

The aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht was able to initiate regular actions in 20-30 German cities on #FREITAG13, in some cases exerting considerable pressure on companies, brands and their image.

  • Europe’s largest pork producer Tönnies was rocked by Friday, September 13, 2019. The day of action prepared the ground for the ban on work contracts and temporary work in the meat industry.
  • Food delivery company Deliveroo initially withdrew from 10 of 15 German cities after the Friday, April 13, 2018 day of action, then left Germany completely the following year.
  • The textile company H&M saw its share price plummet after Friday, October 13, 2017.

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